Day 8: Lakes not Lochs

Carlisle to Yealand Conyers 65.21 miles

Time Spent Cycling: 5 hours 56 minutes
Average speed: 10.9mph

The overnight accommodation we had at Carlisle Ibis Hotel was very nice and handy for the local Wetherspoon's pub we ate rump steak and chips in. The problem was it was also very handy for the local Walkabout Bar and a live music venue, rather inconveniently located right outside our bedroom window. The boom boom boom didn't stop until gone 4am! Not the best of preparations needed to cycle through the Lake District and over the highest point of our entire trip, the Kirkstone Pass. And it was raining when we set off!

The rain was intermittent and we soon stripped off our waterproofs as we made our way through the lovely country lanes of Cumbria. We passed through the village of Greystoke and the point where the 'End2End' crosses the 'C2C' cycle route. We cycled past the cafe where we stopped when we did the C2C as a family when Ella and Georgia were little kids and they remembered it! I smiled inwardly at their recollection of a happy holiday.

The Cumbrian lanes made their way to Ullswater where we had a superb view of the Lake and valley during a high-speed descent. Too fast to risk taking any pics! We stopped off at the Inn on the Lake for our lunch and composed ourselves for the mighty Kirkstone Pass, get over this and literally anything else we go up would seem miniscule, wouldn't it?

The approach to the pass is an onymous one as you can see it snaking its way over the high fells as you approach. You know there's no other road and so that high snake is yours to conquer. The 'granny gears' are instantly engaged and the climb begins. It's 1441 feet of hard graft if you want to cycle all the way up rather than push. I, foolishly, opted for the former option about a quarter of the way up. I stuck to my guns, having to weave across the road when the gaps in the traffic allowed in order to lessen the gradient. I was in the lowest gear possible and still having to stand on the pedals. Every part of my body screamed to stop but I was determined to make it. I wanted to see what I was capable of achieving and carried on against the will of my body and against the pull of gravity. The final bend was in sight and I rounded it to the joyous sight of the road levelling off and the summit. I had made it. I took a 'selfie' at the top to see if I looked a bad as I felt! I then rolled along to the Kirkstone Inn which is one of England's highest inns and ordered a pint of well deserved Guinness and waited for the others. Rob was next looking, it has to be said, pretty worn out. Five minutes later the girls appeared. It's an achievement to make it up there however you do it and we swapped our collective tales before zipping up our coats for the descent.

The descent was rudely interrupted when a screw flew off Ella's mudguard and left it flapping dangerously about. A quick roadside repair was done and we took the opportunity to tighten up all the other bikes too. We were soon going back uphill to join the main road to Kendal where we stopped at Evans Cycles. I finally had chance to buy some cycling shorts - it's a long way from Balloch with no padded shorts I can tell you! Georgia was happy as she also got a new pair and we put them on in a cafe in the town. 

The last ten miles or so to Yealand Conyers were hard work on undulating roads, another final sting being my Auntie's house is at the top of the steepest hill and we all pushed this time around. We enjoyed the wonderful meal my Auntie Alicia had prepared and it was lovely to be greeted by her. She went over and above the call of duty for us all and it was really appreciated after what can only be described as a tough day of bike riding. 

The run in to the Lake District. C2C country lanes!!

A typical Lakeland scene

Georgia and Rob at Ullswater

Lunch stop gearing up for Kirkstone

Making our way through Glenridding

Kirkstone Pass draws nearer

Four weary cyclists at the highest point of the whole trip

Kirkstone summit. The hardest I have ever ridden my bike
JOGLE balloons. My Auntie Alicia welcomed us really well

1 comment:

  1. Great reading Darling x Kirkstone Pass sounds a killer so well done you for getting up there in one go! x
