The Mission & The Riders & The Route

Our Mission

The mission is a simple one: We get up, we get on bikes and we cycle until late. We repeat this 14 more times. We will eventually end up having cycled about 1000 miles from John O'Groats to Lands End. 

Why are we doing it? 

Well, it helps if you're a bit mad and like cycling I suppose. We also would like to raise some sponsorship for our chosen charity BASIC. Affiliated to Salford Royal Hospital, they help with recuperation for people who have suffered brain trauma, stroke or spinal injury. Ella and Georgia's mum suffered a brain haemorhage last year from which she thankfully made a full recovery. We really would like to raise £1 for every mile we cycle. 

The Riders:

Mike Burkey, Dad: Age 46
Cycling Capabilities: Middle of the range
Enjoyability factor: 100% bring it on!

Ella Burkey, Daughter No.1: Age 18
Cycling Capabilities: Thinks she's better than her dad!
Enjoyability factor: 70% bound to moan about hills (edit by Ella: "Hey, I don't moan!") but she will look back with pride once completed.

Georgia Burkey, Daughter No. 2: Age 16
Cycling Capabilities: Thinks she's better than her sister - knows she's not as good as her dad! 
Enjoyability factor: 50% Thinks Dad's a sadist making her do it!

Rob Owen, Uncle: Age: 67
Cycling Capabilities: Been there, done it. But only on the continent!
Enjoyability factor: 100% but wonders if it's as flat as Germany?

The Route 

Dad decided we should do the ride from North to South as that's the hard way! Apparently the prevailing wind in the UK in the Summer is a South Westerley one and so for most of the time we'll be riding headlong into it! As if it's not going to be hard enough already! 

We set off on Thursday 10 July to catch the train to Inverness. After a stop-over at Inverness we head on to Thurso and John O'Groats the next day. The ride commences Saturday 12 July and we hope to be in Lands End on Saturday 25 July, two weeks later. This blog will follow the incredible highs and the inevitable lows as we attempt the ultimate bike ride in the UK, the End to End! 

Make a Donation 

If you'd like to make a donation it would be very much appreciated. Our Just Giving page is accessed by clicking on the following link.

  JustGiving - Sponsor me now!


  1. Watching your progress closely. Keep those pedals turning.

  2. I take it your still having some technical issues uploading your photos to the tablet from the SD card? Hope you manage to sort it out soon. Thinking of you all and hope you have a great day's cycling today xx Jo xx

  3. Mike is still having technical issues with the blog, but thought you'd like to know that they arrived in Fort Augusta at 20.20. It's been a tough day. Mike's bike needing fixing.... turns out he's ridden 80 miles so far with the brakes on! Only Mike, eh?? Ha! Ella also had to buy a new knee brace and Georgia some new gloves. On top of that, the weather hasn't been the best... they've cycled thru' 4 seasons today...and rain coats have been off and on, off and on, off and.... you get the picture. So after 75 miles hard graft into the wind and the rain; the hardest day so far, according to Mike, they're sat in the restaurant in full cycling gear, looking and feeling totally cream crackered. Am sure you'll all wish them well. It's an easier day tomorrow. Only 50 miles and mostly flat, so let's hope the weather stays kind. Sending lotsa love and hugs to spur you on. You can do it; you know you can! xx
