Day 4: Cycle Paths and Cycle Paths

Fort Augustus to Glencoe 50.89 miles

Time Spent Cycling: 5 hours 17 minutes

Average Speed: 9.6 mph

Today's ride was billed as a bit of a rest day. A nice leisurely 32 mile off-road cycle along the Caledonian Canal and Loch Lochy. This was to be followed by a short on-road stretch to Onich before picking up the final cycle path of the day to Glencoe. 

The first 10 miles of the 'path' were shocking. They weren't designed for touring bikes, more for either motorbike scramblers or at worst, mountain bikes. Large pot holes, rocks, grass, tree roots and mud were the norm. Rob was furious that this section is billed as a cycle path at all. He was at pains to point out that this sort of thing would not be tolerated on the continent. Well, we're tough over here Rob! He was right though, it was hopeless that path.

Once we reached Loch Lochy the 'path' improved ten fold. We were now on a forest track and although not up to continental standards we were grateful for the improvement and progress was made. 

Just as I was pointing out the headwind we had been riding into and explaining to Ella and Georgia that's the reason 90% of people opt to do the ride from South to North, a group of End to Enders came over the horizon and stopped for a chat. They filled us with confidence that by the time we reach the Cornish hills our legs 'would be like steel'. We chatted for a good ten minutes. They were the second group we had stopped to chat to, a couple of brothers stopped on day two. The regular sight of End to Enders going the other way is always greeted with a mutual wave of respect and a smile. It's a long road for sure and each wave you get does give you the impetus to carry on rolling. 

The best road of the trip so far for me was picked up immediately after Loch Lochy; a gentle rolling, almost deserted road on perfect tarmac which we followed until Fort William, avoiding all the signs to re-enter the Great Glen Way Cycle Path!

We cycled the A82's pavement for a few miles at Fort William in order to avoid the traffic but once it ran out we had no option to carry on on the main road. It was our first busy road of the trip so far and we had to form a tight train with Mike leading, Georgia 2nd wheel, Ella 3rd and Rob as Lantern Rouge. It was a big success as we got a bit of a shift on and the cars and lorries were, in the main, very patient in that they waited until it was safe to overtake. We pulled over after a fifteen minute spell and let the traffic come by. There must have been about 30 vehicles which were no doubt wondering what the heck was holding up the traffic!

The A82 curves inland at Onich and once it did we were greeted with a wonderful sight. Glecoe and her three majestic mountains, the Three Sisters. We had to stop right there and take in the view. A church yard, St Brides, was the chosen stopping point and we stayed for a while in awe at the views across the sea lochs and towards Glencoe. This was my favourite view so far and the village of Onich is one to which I will love to return to. 

We rode the final cycle path to Glencoe, a proper path with proper tarmac with proper off-road credentials. Just like the continent! Our accommodation at Glencoe SYHA was in the perfect location, just a short walk to the village pub, the Dorich, and the best view you could ever wish for from a pub window. Time for haggis, neaps and tatties for you could not get more 'Scottish' than this. 
Leaving our accommodation at Stravaigers Lodge, Fort Augustus
Nessie at the start of the Caledonian Canal

Call this a cycle path?

Georgia at Loch Lochy

We were going one way and they were going the other!

The forest road at Loch Lochy and Georgia in the distance

A panoramic shot from St Brides churchyard, Onich

I loved it here at Onich

Heading towards Glencoe

Glencoe and probably the best beer garden in the world!

See comments below. This is the one I have but they're rowers. 


  1. Feel a trip to the village of Onich coming on x Loving your blog and can't wait to hear more x

  2. Great reading Mike. Keep it coming. FA xx

  3. Fab story so far....agree about the beer garden, wouldn't mind a pint or two to admire the view xx

  4. Thanks folks. Onich is a must-see place, so too that pub at Glencoe. Thanks for the comments.

  5. What date were you on the Caledonian Canal? Rachel was kayaking along the canal from 15th to 20th July for her Gold DOE and she came back saying she thought she had seen you as she thought she recognised Ella.

    1. Hi Nic. It was on the Tuesday. That's the 15 July. I do have a pic of some canoeists which I'll dig out and put on this page. Maybe one of them was Rachel? How amazing!
