Day 1: Across the Top

John O'Groats to Bettyhill 51.34 miles

Time spent cycling: 4 hours 23 minutes.

11.71mph Average Speed

The ride back to Thurso was a breeze after having done the reverse journey the day before and the sense of deja-vu was heightened when we stopped in Thurso at the same cafe as yesterday. In there we chatted to three Canadian ladies who were cycling to London via all over the UK. We bumped into them again in our hotel in Bettyhill when they stopped off for a brew. The first of many people we'd chat to along the route I'm sure.

It was time to break new ground after Thurso as we headed westward along the coastal road. Good cycling terrain soon became a thing of the past as, after the village of Reay, the road began to take on Alpine proportions. Regretfully we missed out on a pub stop assuming, naively, that there would be other opportunities in the other villages en-route to Bettyhill. The hills, the absence of food, the rain which had started to fall and the fact it was now 3pm meant we were beginning to ahem, bonk. (Please do an internet search of this cycling term - but be careful what you might find!)

We rolled on regardless with nothing to eat except midges and rainwater the former of which feasted on Rob and Mike as they waited for Ella and Georgia to ascend the north coast's equivalent of Mont Ventoux! 

The final descent into Bettyhill was at the breakneck speed of 32.9 mph and the top speed of the day. The rainwater was now making seeing where you were going an optional extra. Georgia said she even closed her eyes at one point on the descent. Not a good idea as your dad played that game once when cycling up the hill from Prestwich Tip and promptly ended up in a ditch!

There was to be one final sting in today's tail. The hotel just HAD to be at the top of the highest hill in the village. Still, the views we had across the bay and from our dinner/breakfast table were stunningly superb!

the view across to Orkney from JOG Harbour

Lands End Here We Come!

Thurso, 20 miles in and the first cafe stop of many on the trip

A lonely road on the north coast. Heading west to Bettyhill.

A pit stop shortly after Dounreay

Ella's still smiling anyway despite the rain.

Welcome to Bettyhill, your hotel's up another massive hill!

Ella and the view from our hotel across the bay.


  1. Good first blog Darling and some great pics! Particularly liked the arty Thistle shot and the café owner photobomb in Thurso. Oh and am curious.... when was the first time you "bonked"?? ;-D xx

  2. Thanks, I'm an arty type me. As for the bonk, I have only bonked the once. It was such a bad experience that I have not wanted to bonk since!
